
Why Mobile App Testing has become so critical?

Ever-Growing Mobile Apps World
Ever-Growing Mobile Apps World

More than 2 hours per day mobile apps usage, more than 220 billion downloads per year

Various Devices and Op. Systems
Various Devices and Op. Systems

Apps have to perform properly on a wide range of different devices and operating systems

Challenge to Retain Customers
Challenge to Retain Customers

Need to ensure customer loyalty as they are likely to abandon if the app is faulty

Testcribe Features

Mobile application test has never been easier with the outstanding features of our platform

Testcribe Features
Physical Devices
Physical Devices

No need for emulators, test your apps on our ever growing physical mobile device farm with various operating systems, versions, brands and models 


Testcribe Features
Physical Devices

More Than 10 Years Of App Testing Experience

To match the demands of mobile applications community, highly skilled and experienced R&D team of Egem Bilgi developed Testcribe, which enables mobile app vendors to verify whether their apps are running perfectly on the mobile devices, owned by their target end-user customers.

Redescribe your testing experience with Testcribe…
Increase your user’s happiness…

Redescribe your testing experience with Testcribe…

Cloud testing
Cloud testing

Enjoy the opportunity to test  your mobile applications on physical handsets, reaching through cloud technologies

Perfect running apps
Perfect running apps

Release a better output, save time and cost with your seamlessly running apps on every platform 

Wider test coverage
Wider test coverage

Test your apps on various brands of mobile devices with several versions of operating systems

Blur Shape

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